以墨尔本为背景, Australia, 我希望这不会找到你安梁 features Sadie Wen and Julius Gong, two teens who are on a trajectory to future success. Having researched the highest-paying job and the most in-demand degrees, Julius plans to be a lawyer and Sadie a data analyst. 两个年轻人都就读于伍德维尔学院, a selective high school for gifted students and populated predominantly by other young Asians. 在Woodvale, “dreams, (就像宇航员, playwright, and artist] are shattered and hobbies are traded for more stable, lucrative, 实用职业”(130页). Sadie has perfect grades and is the MVP in every sports team she is阅读更多→

故事发生在明尼苏达州, Just Keep Walking is a middle grade novel written in part to encourage resilience and perseverance in tweens. Erin Soderberg Downing creates twelve-year-old Josephine Conlan, aka Jo, to carry her message about not giving up in the face of adversity and challenge. 乔的哥哥, Jake, 现在在上大学, and her dad side-stepped into a new family despite his promise to take his daughter on the Superior Hiking Trail the summer of her seventh grade year.  With all of her alone time, Jo experiences “too many uncomfortable silences. Too much time to think about the way things used to be. Too阅读更多→

故事发生在70年代的圣莫尼卡, 加州上空的云,由Karyn Parsons创作 tells the story of a mixed-race sixth grader. 斯蒂芬妮·莫里森, aka Stevie, moves to a new neighborhood at a critical time in her life, 所以交朋友增加了一层挑战. Her best friend from her former school has moved on, and talking about boys and fingernail polish are not Stevie’s thing. 对史蒂维来说,图书馆就像是一种教堂. She’s also loves to skate and imagines herself in an Olympic arena as a Roller Derby queen defending the team’s lead. When her older cousin Naomi comes to live with阅读更多→

《皇冠登录welcome》,弗朗西斯科·X. Stork has penned a powerful and poignant story. His protagonist Alberto Bocel is an undocumented Mexican in the United States working in order to send money back to Ticul, Mexico, 为了他母亲的医药费. Alberto endures symptoms of a mental condition that leaves him oscillating between a cloud of forgetfulness or battling the voice in his head. 结果,他感到心碎. 当阿尔贝托被指控谋杀了. Macpherson, he wonders if he is capable of such cruelty. Did the voice in his head—whom he has named Captain America—use his hands to commit murder? At阅读更多→

Because Ronnie Riley believes that no one should feel alone for who they like or who they are, 这非, neurodivergent author writes a book for tweens who might also need a safe place to discover themselves. 莱利的小说, 《welcome皇冠地址》的主角是达拉斯·奈特, 谁是同性恋?, 和裘德·温特斯, who is nonbinary and lives with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The two twelve-year-olds share a “ride or die” friendship. When they welcome Stevie Morgan into their circle, challenges ensue. Another challenge for Jude—whose pronouns are they/them—is whether to share their identity with their grandparents. 裘德的妈妈说他们还没准备好阅读更多→

Shaheer Atique is afraid of getting attached to a place because it always ends up in the rearview mirror. His highly talented and ambitious father chases hospital jobs, so Shaheer and his grandfather are always on the move. 三人组的最后一站是弗吉尼亚. When quiet and withdrawn Shaheer attends the first day of eighth grade, 他遇到了几个取笑他的人, 嘲笑他的头发, 哪个“一定是假发”.” Before long, he realizes he is a doppelgänger for Ashar Malik, a defense man on the hockey team. Ashar’s dream is to use his position on The Husky Bladers to get noticed and阅读更多→

Although Mason Deaver’s novel The Feeling of Falling in Love is indeed a love story, 正如标题所暗示的那样, 这也与自尊有关, 社会阶层差异, and the exploration of sexual and gender identity. Neil Kearney, a transgender teen, has a “friends with benefits” relationship with his friend Josh. Both use the relationship for stress relief and mutual pleasure. However, when Josh decides he loves Neil, Neil panics and invokes the Pull-Out Clause. Now, he has a week to prove to Josh that he has moved on with his roommate, Wyatt Fowler.  What could possibly go wrong, especially since Wyatt claims to be a阅读更多→

梅洛迪·伯德最喜欢的地方是墓地.  It’s full of history and beauty, not sadness, and it’s always peaceful and absent of shouting. After her parents split up because of Dad’s deceit, team MC—Melody and her mom Claudia—support one another. One day while walking in the graveyard with her dachshund Frankie, Melody discovers a house overgrown by weeds and vines. 经过一番研究, 她得知这是一座瘟疫之家, a quarantine facility that is hundreds of years old. Melody can’t wait to share her find with her best friend, Matthew Corbin. Matthew has a fear of germs and a tendency towards obsessive compulsive阅读更多→

A senior at Grove Hill High School in Michigan, 奥布里·卡什渴望成为一名兽医, but her best friend Reese is cursed with a romantic streak.  As a cheerleader, she is constantly encouraging Aubrey to date. Using her “Disney Princess Face,” she plays matchmaker. But in Aubrey’s scientific mind, “The whole concept of true love is inherently flawed” (45). Basketball star, Webster Casey is new in town after his parents’ recent divorce. Because he lives across the street from Aubrey, the two form a connection until Webster inexplicably fails to take her to the homecoming dance as promised. 在接近一个男孩之后阅读更多→